Monday, April 3, 2017

Discover 4 Great Real Estate Marketing Tips

As a Realtor, what do you need from real estate marketing ideas? Very likely, your answers will run along the lines of being original, creative, and remarkable. However, the pinnacle for real estate marketing are ideas that show you are an expert, authority, and a professional. However, over time, trying to push the limits or marketing while attempting to meet with clients and manage listings can cause fatigue. 

Moreover, in the age of social media, your marketing strategy must include many traditional elements of prospect farming while building a web presence with compelling content. You must build an audience and brand awareness, cultivate leads, and show yourself off as a real estate thought leader. With all the competition Realtors face, successful real estate marketing must resonate with consumers, add value to your target, create loyalty, and grow your business. With that in mind, here are 4 great real estate marketing tip you need to try.

Real Estate Marketing Tips
1.  Your Website - If you are using the "free" website provided by your broker, you are losing business. Even if you have a personal domain name, Google and other search engines identify these websites as affiliates of your broker, and will rank them lower on results pages. Moreover, real estate websites tend to deal with a lot of duplicate content, because of the way the Multiple Listing Services provide listing information. You need to have a unique website at the center of your marketing effort.
2.  Infographics, Guides, and Other Graphics - Real estate marketing is dominated by graphs, charts, maps, and photos. That said, it is important to provide uniquely valuable information using striking images that you can post on your blog, share on social media, and use in printed handouts and flyers. Well designed and researched informational graphics are both attention-grabbing and informative. 
3. Develop a Series of Videos - People are drawn to videos that are fun, creative, and informative. Moreover, some of the most watched YouTube videos, from large corporations, are those that provide behind the scenes footage. For instance, the McDonald's Corporation has a successful series of videos featuring their head-chief showing how to create home versions of McDonald's top-selling food items. 
4. Become a Local Resource - One of the best ways to target a specific city, town or neighborhood is becoming a local resource. Use your blog, social channels, email blasts, and printed newsletters to share information that will make you a local resource. Create "Top" lists for local restaurants and hot spots. Provide monthly updates about local events. Review local businesses and entertainment. Also, consider newsjacking, the art of creating content based on trending news items. 

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